And so we begin our first year...
Once upon a time, there was a group of friends in the greater Berkeley area who had come to know each other through juggling. Indeed, over the years they had come to laughingly refer to themselves as the Berkeley Juggling Collective. For many years, the BJC gathered together on the Berkeley campus and off to pass clubs, play games and generally enjoy life. In addition to their weekly gatherings, every fall they would make a pilgrimage to the desolate wastes of Lodi for the long-running Lodi Juggling Fesitval, where there was always much rejoicing.
But one year, the dread news came that the Lodi Festival, which had long sustained so many jugglers through the dark times of summer's end, would be no more; and all across the land there was much sadness. But lo, from the depth of these bitter hours the motley band of friends reached deep within themselves and cried:
"Friends, it falls unto us to again bring light to the jugglers in our realm. Let us gather our wits and our energy and create a new festival in memory of all the good times that were given us at Lodi! Albeit in a cooperative, non-competive fashion for indeed we do not want to injure Lodi's self-esteem."And so they did, and thus began a long tradition of Berkeley Juggling Festivals. And there was much rejoicing...