These are pages from an old festival, please visit for information about this year's festival
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Berkeley Juggling Festival

October 7 - 9th, 2005
King Middle School, 1781 Rose St. Berkeley, CA


King Middle School
1781 Rose Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94707

Festival Hours


One of the highlights of any festival is the array of workshops where newcomers and old-hands can learn new skills and ask the experts how to do that elusive trick. The flagship workshop at the Berkeley Juggling Festival will be Artistic Passing with Jeff Napier. Jeff had this to say about what he has planned:

"Beginners to experts - no matter who you are, you'll discover some things you can do as soon as you see them, and others that will take weeks (of fun) to work out. Probably not much of a hands-on workshop, this will be more about demonstrating things that you can try later. Bring notebook or camcorder if you wish, because scores of techniques will be revealed, broken down and discussed. May be of considerable interest to solo club jugglers as well. For instance, four or five unique ways to pick up dropped clubs will be included."

Other planned workshops include:


Unicycling is the most fun you can possibly have, as measured on a per-wheel basis. This festival will have a full schedule of unicycle events:

Construction Zone (Learn to Juggle)

Let's face it, juggling is cool. What could be better than juggling to increase your fitness, attract the opposite sex and rocket you forward in your career?

Ok, maybe juggling won't solve the World's problems or turn you into that Don Juan (or Juanita) you've always dreamt of being, but juggling is fun! At the Berkeley Juggling Cooperative we strongly believe that everyone can, and should, learn to juggle, and for the newbies out there the Construction Zone is your first stop on the way to juggling nirvana. Give us your attention and your heart, and we promise you'll be juggling in no time.

Jugglers! Do you love teaching new jugglers? We need volunteers to staff the construction zone. If you have what it takes to bring new jugglers to the fold, please contact us to sign-up!